Used Other coolers / refrigeration technology for sale (47)

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Refrigeration & cooling technology Other coolers / refrigeration technology
Process thermostat Julabo Presto W80t
Process thermostat Julabo Presto W80t
Process thermostat Julabo Presto W80t
Process thermostat Julabo Presto W80t
Process thermostat Julabo Presto W80t
Process thermostat Julabo Presto W80t
Process thermostat Julabo Presto W80t
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Germany Borken
785 km

Process thermostat
JulaboPresto W80t

Certified Dealer
Fan coil units and accessories Carrier & CIAT 42NH, 42GW, 42EM, etc.
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Netherlands Hillegom
627 km

Fan coil units and accessories
Carrier & CIAT42NH, 42GW, 42EM, etc.

Cooling tower with radial fan - 300 KW Gohl-KTK ERI 1/12-34-10
Cooling tower with radial fan - 300 KW Gohl-KTK ERI 1/12-34-10
Cooling tower with radial fan - 300 KW Gohl-KTK ERI 1/12-34-10
Cooling tower with radial fan - 300 KW Gohl-KTK ERI 1/12-34-10
Cooling tower with radial fan - 300 KW Gohl-KTK ERI 1/12-34-10
Cooling tower with radial fan - 300 KW Gohl-KTK ERI 1/12-34-10
Cooling tower with radial fan - 300 KW Gohl-KTK ERI 1/12-34-10
Cooling tower with radial fan - 300 KW Gohl-KTK ERI 1/12-34-10
Cooling tower with radial fan - 300 KW Gohl-KTK ERI 1/12-34-10
Cooling tower with radial fan - 300 KW Gohl-KTK ERI 1/12-34-10
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Germany Halle (Saale)
1,103 km

Cooling tower with radial fan - 300 KW
Gohl-KTKERI 1/12-34-10

Refrigerant filling machine AGRAMKOV  SARAtronic (2709)
Refrigerant filling machine AGRAMKOV  SARAtronic (2709)
Refrigerant filling machine AGRAMKOV  SARAtronic (2709)
Refrigerant filling machine AGRAMKOV  SARAtronic (2709)
Refrigerant filling machine AGRAMKOV  SARAtronic (2709)
Refrigerant filling machine AGRAMKOV  SARAtronic (2709)
Refrigerant filling machine AGRAMKOV  SARAtronic (2709)
Refrigerant filling machine AGRAMKOV  SARAtronic (2709)
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Hungary Tatabánya
1,738 km

Refrigerant filling machine
AGRAMKOV SARAtronic (2709)

Certified Dealer
Liquid cooler Onda FLV801A4AM
Liquid cooler Onda FLV801A4AM
Liquid cooler Onda FLV801A4AM
Liquid cooler Onda FLV801A4AM
Liquid cooler Onda FLV801A4AM
Liquid cooler Onda FLV801A4AM
Liquid cooler Onda FLV801A4AM
Liquid cooler Onda FLV801A4AM
Liquid cooler Onda FLV801A4AM
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United Kingdom Misterton
274 km

Liquid cooler

Certified Dealer
Freezer Küleg FG 1301
Freezer Küleg FG 1301
Freezer Küleg FG 1301
Freezer Küleg FG 1301
Freezer Küleg FG 1301
Freezer Küleg FG 1301
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Austria Sulz
1,274 km

KülegFG 1301

KTD cooler Applied Thermal Control KTD3000
KTD cooler Applied Thermal Control KTD3000
KTD cooler Applied Thermal Control KTD3000
KTD cooler Applied Thermal Control KTD3000
KTD cooler Applied Thermal Control KTD3000
KTD cooler Applied Thermal Control KTD3000
KTD cooler Applied Thermal Control KTD3000
KTD cooler Applied Thermal Control KTD3000
KTD cooler Applied Thermal Control KTD3000
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Germany Borken
785 km

KTD cooler
Applied Thermal ControlKTD3000

Certified Dealer
CO2 installation & cold room BITZER CO2 installation & cold room
CO2 installation & cold room BITZER CO2 installation & cold room
CO2 installation & cold room BITZER CO2 installation & cold room
CO2 installation & cold room BITZER CO2 installation & cold room
CO2 installation & cold room BITZER CO2 installation & cold room
CO2 installation & cold room BITZER CO2 installation & cold room
CO2 installation & cold room BITZER CO2 installation & cold room
CO2 installation & cold room BITZER CO2 installation & cold room
CO2 installation & cold room BITZER CO2 installation & cold room
CO2 installation & cold room BITZER CO2 installation & cold room
CO2 installation & cold room BITZER CO2 installation & cold room
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Netherlands Hillegom
627 km

CO2 installation & cold room
BITZERCO2 installation & cold room

Heavy duty air condensors BAC Baltimore Aircoil  VTL198 N
Heavy duty air condensors BAC Baltimore Aircoil  VTL198 N
Heavy duty air condensors BAC Baltimore Aircoil  VTL198 N
Heavy duty air condensors BAC Baltimore Aircoil  VTL198 N
Heavy duty air condensors BAC Baltimore Aircoil  VTL198 N
Heavy duty air condensors BAC Baltimore Aircoil  VTL198 N
Heavy duty air condensors BAC Baltimore Aircoil  VTL198 N
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442 km

Heavy duty air condensors
BAC Baltimore Aircoil VTL198 N

Certified Dealer
Airhandler Radel&Hahn RA-M18-15 ZAP
Airhandler Radel&Hahn RA-M18-15 ZAP
Airhandler Radel&Hahn RA-M18-15 ZAP
Airhandler Radel&Hahn RA-M18-15 ZAP
Airhandler Radel&Hahn RA-M18-15 ZAP
Airhandler Radel&Hahn RA-M18-15 ZAP
Airhandler Radel&Hahn RA-M18-15 ZAP
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Hungary Székesfehérvár
1,763 km

Radel&HahnRA-M18-15 ZAP

Chiller liquid cooler AQUACIAT LD 150Z 34,1kw
Chiller liquid cooler AQUACIAT LD 150Z 34,1kw
Chiller liquid cooler AQUACIAT LD 150Z 34,1kw
Chiller liquid cooler AQUACIAT LD 150Z 34,1kw
Chiller liquid cooler AQUACIAT LD 150Z 34,1kw
Chiller liquid cooler AQUACIAT LD 150Z 34,1kw
Chiller liquid cooler AQUACIAT LD 150Z 34,1kw
Chiller liquid cooler AQUACIAT LD 150Z 34,1kw
Chiller liquid cooler AQUACIAT LD 150Z 34,1kw
Chiller liquid cooler AQUACIAT LD 150Z 34,1kw
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Hungary Tata
1,725 km

Chiller liquid cooler
AQUACIAT LD 150Z34,1kw

Certified Dealer
Base silencer made of galvanized steel Gebhardt ZDS 20-0071
Base silencer made of galvanized steel Gebhardt ZDS 20-0071
Base silencer made of galvanized steel Gebhardt ZDS 20-0071
Base silencer made of galvanized steel Gebhardt ZDS 20-0071
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Germany Borken
777 km

Base silencer made of galvanized steel
GebhardtZDS 20-0071

Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters Julabo FP51-SL (v.2)
Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters Julabo FP51-SL (v.2)
Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters Julabo FP51-SL (v.2)
Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters Julabo FP51-SL (v.2)
Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters Julabo FP51-SL (v.2)
Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters Julabo FP51-SL (v.2)
Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters Julabo FP51-SL (v.2)
Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters Julabo FP51-SL (v.2)
Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters Julabo FP51-SL (v.2)
Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters Julabo FP51-SL (v.2)
Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters Julabo FP51-SL (v.2)
Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters Julabo FP51-SL (v.2)
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Germany Borken
785 km

Cryogenic thermostat 7.5 ... 12 liters
JulaboFP51-SL (v.2)

Certified Dealer
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
Chiller Carrier 30 RA 200
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Netherlands Hillegom
627 km

Carrier30 RA 200

UTA air handling unit  L.C.I. CP-11
UTA air handling unit  L.C.I. CP-11
UTA air handling unit  L.C.I. CP-11
UTA air handling unit  L.C.I. CP-11
UTA air handling unit  L.C.I. CP-11
UTA air handling unit  L.C.I. CP-11
UTA air handling unit  L.C.I. CP-11
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Spain Sant Cugat del Vallès
1,599 km

UTA air handling unit

NH3 cooling unit TH. WITT Kältemaschinenfabrik GmbH
NH3 cooling unit TH. WITT Kältemaschinenfabrik GmbH
NH3 cooling unit TH. WITT Kältemaschinenfabrik GmbH
NH3 cooling unit TH. WITT Kältemaschinenfabrik GmbH
NH3 cooling unit TH. WITT Kältemaschinenfabrik GmbH
NH3 cooling unit TH. WITT Kältemaschinenfabrik GmbH
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Germany Freising
1,296 km

NH3 cooling unit
TH. WITT Kältemaschinenfabrik GmbH

Certified Dealer
Water chilling/cooling machine 175kW Galletti LEW 181 DL G
Water chilling/cooling machine 175kW Galletti LEW 181 DL G
Water chilling/cooling machine 175kW Galletti LEW 181 DL G
Water chilling/cooling machine 175kW Galletti LEW 181 DL G
Water chilling/cooling machine 175kW Galletti LEW 181 DL G
Water chilling/cooling machine 175kW Galletti LEW 181 DL G
Water chilling/cooling machine 175kW Galletti LEW 181 DL G
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Finland Mäntsälä
1,775 km

Water chilling/cooling machine 175kW
GallettiLEW 181 DL G

Refrigerated display case Hoshizaki HNC-120AE-L
Refrigerated display case Hoshizaki HNC-120AE-L
Refrigerated display case Hoshizaki HNC-120AE-L
Refrigerated display case Hoshizaki HNC-120AE-L
Refrigerated display case Hoshizaki HNC-120AE-L
Refrigerated display case Hoshizaki HNC-120AE-L
Refrigerated display case Hoshizaki HNC-120AE-L
Refrigerated display case Hoshizaki HNC-120AE-L
Refrigerated display case Hoshizaki HNC-120AE-L
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Germany Borken
777 km

Refrigerated display case

6-circuit temperature controller Autotherm AWF 130-27/VK/6K
6-circuit temperature controller Autotherm AWF 130-27/VK/6K
6-circuit temperature controller Autotherm AWF 130-27/VK/6K
6-circuit temperature controller Autotherm AWF 130-27/VK/6K
6-circuit temperature controller Autotherm AWF 130-27/VK/6K
6-circuit temperature controller Autotherm AWF 130-27/VK/6K
6-circuit temperature controller Autotherm AWF 130-27/VK/6K
6-circuit temperature controller Autotherm AWF 130-27/VK/6K
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Germany Borken
785 km

6-circuit temperature controller
AutothermAWF 130-27/VK/6K

Certified Dealer
Hydraulic modules for cold water application Hitema
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Germany Güglingen
1,099 km

Hydraulic modules for cold water application

Chiller Carrier & CIAT 42NL, WM, 42NH, etc.
Chiller Carrier & CIAT 42NL, WM, 42NH, etc.
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Netherlands Hillegom
627 km

Carrier & CIAT42NL, WM, 42NH, etc.


Trust Seal

Through Machineseeker certified dealers

Trust Seal
Radial fan furnace fan Gebhardt Q2M-P2B6N-PAC RD
Radial fan furnace fan Gebhardt Q2M-P2B6N-PAC RD
Radial fan furnace fan Gebhardt Q2M-P2B6N-PAC RD
Radial fan furnace fan Gebhardt Q2M-P2B6N-PAC RD
Radial fan furnace fan Gebhardt Q2M-P2B6N-PAC RD
Radial fan furnace fan Gebhardt Q2M-P2B6N-PAC RD
Radial fan furnace fan Gebhardt Q2M-P2B6N-PAC RD
Radial fan furnace fan Gebhardt Q2M-P2B6N-PAC RD
Radial fan furnace fan Gebhardt Q2M-P2B6N-PAC RD
Radial fan furnace fan Gebhardt Q2M-P2B6N-PAC RD
Radial fan furnace fan Gebhardt Q2M-P2B6N-PAC RD
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Germany Borken
777 km

Radial fan furnace fan
GebhardtQ2M-P2B6N-PAC RD

Refrigeration unit BITZER  BS6 S6F-30.2Y-40P
Refrigeration unit BITZER  BS6 S6F-30.2Y-40P
Refrigeration unit BITZER  BS6 S6F-30.2Y-40P
Refrigeration unit BITZER  BS6 S6F-30.2Y-40P
Refrigeration unit BITZER  BS6 S6F-30.2Y-40P
Refrigeration unit BITZER  BS6 S6F-30.2Y-40P
Refrigeration unit BITZER  BS6 S6F-30.2Y-40P
Refrigeration unit BITZER  BS6 S6F-30.2Y-40P
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Germany Borken
785 km

Refrigeration unit
BITZER BS6 S6F-30.2Y-40P

Certified Dealer
Condenser Goedhart KOAL-S GC133-N808D
Condenser Goedhart KOAL-S GC133-N808D
Condenser Goedhart KOAL-S GC133-N808D
Condenser Goedhart KOAL-S GC133-N808D
Condenser Goedhart KOAL-S GC133-N808D
Condenser Goedhart KOAL-S GC133-N808D
Condenser Goedhart KOAL-S GC133-N808D
Condenser Goedhart KOAL-S GC133-N808D
Condenser Goedhart KOAL-S GC133-N808D
Condenser Goedhart KOAL-S GC133-N808D
Condenser Goedhart KOAL-S GC133-N808D
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Netherlands Hillegom
627 km

GoedhartKOAL-S GC133-N808D

Temperature control unit Wittmann   Tempro 5Kw 16A MF DISCO 2 Singulus
Temperature control unit Wittmann   Tempro 5Kw 16A MF DISCO 2 Singulus
Temperature control unit Wittmann   Tempro 5Kw 16A MF DISCO 2 Singulus
Temperature control unit Wittmann   Tempro 5Kw 16A MF DISCO 2 Singulus
Temperature control unit Wittmann   Tempro 5Kw 16A MF DISCO 2 Singulus
Temperature control unit Wittmann   Tempro 5Kw 16A MF DISCO 2 Singulus
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Germany Borken
785 km

Temperature control unit
Wittmann Tempro 5Kw 16A MF DISCO 2 Singulus

Certified Dealer

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