Plastmak from Bursa:
PLASTMAK PVC ve Alüminyum İşleme Makinaları, 1968 yılında Anadolu Makina olarak Rahmi Çinli tarafından kurulup, kalitesinden ödün vermeyerek faaliyetini sürdürmektedir.
2003 yılından bu yana PLASTMAK PVC Alüminyum makinaları imalatı ile sektöründe hizmet vererek, kalite – güven – saygı ve sevgi çerçevesinde büyümeye devam etmektedir.
2007 yılında PLASTMAK MAKİNE üretiminin %85’ını yurtdışına ihraç ederek, pvc ve alüminyum işleme makinelerinde siz değerli müşterilerimize KALİTEYİ EN UYGUN FİYATA verebilme gayreti ile hizmet vermektedir.
PLASTMAK MAKİNE, 5000 m2 kapalı olmak üzere 5 makine mühendisi, 5 elektrik mühendisi, 7 ihracat müdürü ve 50 kişilik deneyimli personeli ile sektöründe parlayan yıldız haline gelmiştir. Sektöründe araştırma ve geliştirmeye yönelik en önemli yatırımı yapan firmamız, servis alanında da siz değerli müşterilerimize en hızlı ve en kaliteli hizmeti vererek güveninize layık olmaktadır.
“En önemli kaynak insandır” anlayışı ile eğitim ve bilgi paylaşımının önemine ışık tutan firmamız, çalışanları ile saygı ve sevgi sınırları içinde rahat ve huzurlu bir iş ortamı sunarak, ürün ve hizmet kalitesini maksimuma çıkartmıştır. Kendisine MUTLU MÜŞTERİ arttırmayı görev bilmektir.
Sorunsuz çalışmak, kaliteli ürün, doğru fiyat, güler yüzlü, hızlı servis aradığınız kriterler ise PLASTMAK PVC İŞLEME MAKİNALARI aradığınız adrestir.
Mr Berk Çinli
Minareliçavuş, Lider Cad. No:27, 16220 Nilüfer/Bursa
Nilüfer / BURSA
16220 Bursa
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- Allows 0.2 mm bristle welding of white and colored profiles. - Complies with CE standards. - Simplified machine management panel saves time. Provides maximum welding strength. - ......
- Conforms to CE standards. B7Ull38Nwa - Possibility of lapping the middle register connections of PVC and aluminum profiles. - Up to 30 degrees at different angles, possibility of......
- Conforms to CE standards. - Possibility of lapping the middle register connections of PVC and aluminum profiles. - Up to 30 degrees at different angles, possibility of lapping th......
- Notching (milling) process with adjustable linear motor movement - 5 adjustable resting systems for different profiles - Quick blade change feature that makes work easier Hchuzjp......
- Complies with CE standards. - Possibility of 45 degree cutting of PVC lath profiles - Automatic operation system - 2.5 meter conveyor system for long frames - Adjustable cutting ......
- Complies with CE standards. - PVC lath profiles are cut at 45 degrees with 4 saws - Adjustment for 12 different slat cuts - Ability to cut 2 slats at the same time - Right / left......
- Complies with CE standards. - Precise cutting at 0 - 180 degrees and intermediate degrees - Quick adjustment buffers for 15, 22.5, 30, 45, 60 and 90 degrees - Table fixing arm fo......
- Complies with CE standards. - Used for cutting aluminum PVC profiles - Hydro-Pneumatic cutting process - Adjust cutting speed according to profile - Right and Left -60, -45, -30,......
- Complies with CE standards. - Used for cutting aluminum PVC profiles - Hydro-Pneumatic cutting process - Adjust cutting speed according to profile Ciafbdwv - Right and Left -60, ......
- Conforms to CE standards. - Cutting Accuracy +/- 0.1 millimeter - Automatically adjusts to two angles, 90 and 45 degrees inward. - Automatic slicing at 90 and 45 degrees at two a......
- It is a fully automatic controlled cutting machine designed to cut PVC and Aluminum profiles straight or angled with a double head Ø550 mm saw. - Complies with CE standards. B808......
- It is a fully automatic controlled cutting machine designed to cut PVC and Aluminum profiles straight or angled with a double head Ø600 mm saw. - Hydro - Pneumatic Hydro - check ......
- Bulk cutting of louver slats in packages, cutting of louver boxes in sets, cutting of side posts and monoblock louver boxes designed for tool cutting. - Clean surface cut than......
- It complies with CE standards. - The machine can cut at +45, -45 and intermediate degrees. - Quick adjustment buffers for 90, 75, 60, 45 degrees - Table fixing arm for intermedia......
- Complies with CE standards. - Possibility of opening locking places, hinge slots, handle holes and water drainage channels of PVC profiles. - Ability of copy head to work on vert......
- Complies with CE standards. - Possibility of opening locking places, hinge slots, handle holes and water drainage channels of aluminum and PVC profiles. Dnmc7Z - Vertical axis op......
- Complies with CE standards. - Possibility to open lock places, hinge slots, handle holes of PVC profiles E2Ndyay - Vertical axis operation of the copy head - Horizontal axis oper......
- Conforms to CE standards. - Weldable angle : All angles between 25 - 180 degrees. - Welded profile maximum height 150 millimeters Camlwedtha - Minimum height of welded profile 40......
- Conforms to CE standards. - Weldable angle : All angles between 25 - 180 degrees. - Welded profile maximum height 150 millimeters - Minimum height of welded profile 40 millimeter......
- Possibility of opening a water drainage channel for PVC profiles - Possibility for three groups to work separately Nktshfp - Ability of the water drainage system to operate in an......
- Possibility of opening water drainage channels for PVC and Aluminum Profiles - Possibility for three groups to work separately - Ability of the water drainage system to operate i......
- Conforms to CE standards - Used for handle, lock, etc. processing of all profiles - It works comfortably with advanced technology motor support. Bjzwoypvso3 - It has burr-free an......
- It can perform DOOR, WING, ARM and SLIDING operations on PVC profiles thanks to 3 different motors. - 3 axis servo motor system - Easy point-to-point programming Bjzw2B3Ftta - Un......
- Conforms to CE standards - It is a machine that can perform door, sash, arm barrel and triple drilling of aluminum and PVC profiles. - CNC control 10" touch screen - 3 independen......
- Conforms to CE standards - It is a semi-automatic CNC machine designed to clean the burrs formed after welding of PVC windows, sashes, door frames and other profiles welded at 90......
Show 43