Hosokawa Alpine AG
Hosokawa Alpine AG from Augsburg:
Mühlen, Sichter und Kompaktoren: seit über 125 Jahren liefern wir Maschinen und Anlagen der mechanischen Verfahrenstechnik für die Herstellung feiner Pulver sowie Granulate. Unsere Maschinen werden in zahlreichen Anwendungen eingesetzt: für mineralische Grundstoffe, in der chemischen Industrie, für die Herstellung von Pharmazeutika, Kosmetika, Lebensmittel und für Recycling-Aufgaben.
HOSOKAWA ALPINE Aktiengesellschaft
Peter-Dörfler-Str. 13-25
86199 Augsburg
Postfach 10 11 51
86001 Augsburg
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Dr. Walter Demmelhuber
Vorstand: Dr. Antonio Fernández (Vorsitzender), Dr. Holger Niemeier, Herbert Gray, Jürgen Wilde
E-Mail an den Vorstand
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 152106081
Eingetragen: Amtsgericht Augsburg Nr. HRB 21022
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 10 Absatz 3 MDStV: J. Miethke (Anschrift wie oben)
© Copyright 2003-2016, HOSOKAWA ALPINE Aktiengesellschaft, Augsburg, Deutschland. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
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Rental unit A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spa......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Bhozqd7F2Z Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
Rental Unit Bnz3Am7Wzf A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manuf......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Yxvvqonn Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare p......
Rental unit A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spa......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Ccvnpmz3Ol Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Ekn9Xtjws Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare ......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
A HOSOKAWA ALPINE Originals machine Refurbished by the original manufacturer Use of original components only Original manufacturer warranty Guaranteed manufacturer spare parts supp......
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