Used Municipal vehicles for sale (11)

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Municipal equipment Municipal vehicles
City Sweeper Kärcher MC 250 Euro 6
City Sweeper Kärcher MC 250 Euro 6
City Sweeper Kärcher MC 250 Euro 6
City Sweeper Kärcher MC 250 Euro 6
City Sweeper Kärcher MC 250 Euro 6
City Sweeper Kärcher MC 250 Euro 6
City Sweeper Kärcher MC 250 Euro 6
City Sweeper Kärcher MC 250 Euro 6
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Germany Germany
1,034 km

City Sweeper
KärcherMC 250 Euro 6

Other Iveco DAILY 70 S 18HA8 4x4 WX 3-S-Kipper GV5*
Other Iveco DAILY 70 S 18HA8 4x4 WX 3-S-Kipper GV5*
Other Iveco DAILY 70 S 18HA8 4x4 WX 3-S-Kipper GV5*
Other Iveco DAILY 70 S 18HA8 4x4 WX 3-S-Kipper GV5*
Other Iveco DAILY 70 S 18HA8 4x4 WX 3-S-Kipper GV5*
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Germany Eigeltingen
1,191 km

IvecoDAILY 70 S 18HA8 4x4 WX 3-S-Kipper GV5*

BZ 57 tram trailers VEB Waggonfabrik Goztha BZ 57 . Zweiführung
BZ 57 tram trailers VEB Waggonfabrik Goztha BZ 57 . Zweiführung
BZ 57 tram trailers VEB Waggonfabrik Goztha BZ 57 . Zweiführung
BZ 57 tram trailers VEB Waggonfabrik Goztha BZ 57 . Zweiführung
BZ 57 tram trailers VEB Waggonfabrik Goztha BZ 57 . Zweiführung
BZ 57 tram trailers VEB Waggonfabrik Goztha BZ 57 . Zweiführung
BZ 57 tram trailers VEB Waggonfabrik Goztha BZ 57 . Zweiführung
BZ 57 tram trailers VEB Waggonfabrik Goztha BZ 57 . Zweiführung
BZ 57 tram trailers VEB Waggonfabrik Goztha BZ 57 . Zweiführung
BZ 57 tram trailers VEB Waggonfabrik Goztha BZ 57 . Zweiführung
BZ 57 tram trailers VEB Waggonfabrik Goztha BZ 57 . Zweiführung
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Germany Pfungstadt
1,021 km

BZ 57 tram trailers
VEB Waggonfabrik GozthaBZ 57 . Zweiführung

Certified Dealer
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
Municipal vehicle Smiths Detection Smiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay
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Germany Wendelstein
1,193 km

Municipal vehicle
Smiths DetectionSmiths & Heimann ScanTrailer HS8585 XRay

Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
Municipal vehicle Esagono Energia Geco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco
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Germany Wendelstein
1,193 km

Municipal vehicle
Esagono EnergiaGeco Golia Elektro Transporter Divaco

Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
Municipal vehicle Multihog CX75  Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K
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Germany Wendelstein
1,193 km

Municipal vehicle
MultihogCX75 Knicklenker 4x4 Zapfwelle Kipper K

Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha
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Germany Wendelstein
1,193 km

Municipal vehicle
NilfiskCR3500 Wasserfass mit Pumpe + Schlauchha

Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
Municipal vehicle Nilfisk CR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15
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Germany Wendelstein
1,193 km

Municipal vehicle
NilfiskCR3500 Kipperpritsche Schmidt Multigo 15

Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40
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Germany Wendelstein
1,193 km

Municipal vehicle
AixamMEGA RM H8 kurzer Radstand Kipper AHK 40

Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
Municipal vehicle Aixam MEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013
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Germany Wendelstein
1,193 km

Municipal vehicle
AixamMEGA M10 kurzer Radstand Kipper Bj. 2013

Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
Municipal vehicle Aixam  MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14
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Germany Wendelstein
1,193 km

Municipal vehicle
Aixam MEGA RM H8 kurz Kipper AHK Bj. 14


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