Used Barrel for sale (255)

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Tumbling Barrel SIDEROS Rotoclean OXY
Tumbling Barrel SIDEROS Rotoclean OXY
Tumbling Barrel SIDEROS Rotoclean OXY
Tumbling Barrel SIDEROS Rotoclean OXY
Tumbling Barrel SIDEROS Rotoclean OXY
Tumbling Barrel SIDEROS Rotoclean OXY
Tumbling Barrel SIDEROS Rotoclean OXY
Tumbling Barrel SIDEROS Rotoclean OXY
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865 km

Tumbling Barrel

Certified Dealer
Barrel turner BAUER FWZ
Barrel turner BAUER FWZ
Barrel turner BAUER FWZ
Barrel turner BAUER FWZ
Barrel turner BAUER FWZ
Barrel turner BAUER FWZ
Barrel turner BAUER FWZ
Barrel turner BAUER FWZ
Barrel turner BAUER FWZ
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Germany Iserlohn
858 km

Barrel turner

Certified Dealer
Stainless steel barrel  10747
Stainless steel barrel  10747
Stainless steel barrel  10747
Stainless steel barrel  10747
Stainless steel barrel  10747
Stainless steel barrel  10747
Stainless steel barrel  10747
Stainless steel barrel  10747
Stainless steel barrel  10747
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Germany Delmenhorst
829 km

Stainless steel barrel

Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum lifter Dalmec PRC
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United Kingdom Misterton
274 km

Barrel drum lifter

Certified Dealer
Screw and barrel 150 mm - 30d REIFENHAUSER RH/RT 5801
Screw and barrel 150 mm - 30d REIFENHAUSER RH/RT 5801
Screw and barrel 150 mm - 30d REIFENHAUSER RH/RT 5801
Screw and barrel 150 mm - 30d REIFENHAUSER RH/RT 5801
Screw and barrel 150 mm - 30d REIFENHAUSER RH/RT 5801
Screw and barrel 150 mm - 30d REIFENHAUSER RH/RT 5801
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Germany Königswinter
884 km

Screw and barrel 150 mm - 30d

Certified Dealer
Water tank, IBC container, rain barrel
Water tank, IBC container, rain barrel
Water tank, IBC container, rain barrel
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Germany Neukamperfehn
747 km

Water tank, IBC container, rain barrel

Certified Dealer
Insulated StainlessSteel Rectangular Barrel
Insulated StainlessSteel Rectangular Barrel
Insulated StainlessSteel Rectangular Barrel
Insulated StainlessSteel Rectangular Barrel
Insulated StainlessSteel Rectangular Barrel
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Denmark Thisted
772 km

Insulated StainlessSteel Rectangular Barrel

Certified Dealer
Screw and barrel dia. 55 mm NEW! BATTENFELD NEW! screw and barrel 55 mm
Screw and barrel dia. 55 mm NEW! BATTENFELD NEW! screw and barrel 55 mm
Screw and barrel dia. 55 mm NEW! BATTENFELD NEW! screw and barrel 55 mm
Screw and barrel dia. 55 mm NEW! BATTENFELD NEW! screw and barrel 55 mm
Screw and barrel dia. 55 mm NEW! BATTENFELD NEW! screw and barrel 55 mm
Screw and barrel dia. 55 mm NEW! BATTENFELD NEW! screw and barrel 55 mm
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Hungary Budapest
1,784 km

Screw and barrel dia. 55 mm NEW!
BATTENFELDNEW! screw and barrel 55 mm

COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine Cosma U9 ele
COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine Cosma U9 ele
COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine Cosma U9 ele
COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine Cosma U9 ele
COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine Cosma U9 ele
COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine Cosma U9 ele
COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine Cosma U9 ele
COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine Cosma U9 ele
COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine Cosma U9 ele
COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine Cosma U9 ele
COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine Cosma U9 ele
COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine Cosma U9 ele
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Slovakia Ubľa
1,892 km

COSMA U9 ele barrel type round bar milling machine
CosmaU9 ele

Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
Barrel drum tipper Dalmec PRC
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United Kingdom Misterton
274 km

Barrel drum tipper

Certified Dealer
Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton  Complete retrofit Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton)
Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton  Complete retrofit Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton)
Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton  Complete retrofit Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton)
Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton  Complete retrofit Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton)
Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton  Complete retrofit Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton)
Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton  Complete retrofit Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton)
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Trenčianske Stankovce
1,627 km

Demag ERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton Complete retrofit
DemagERGOTECH 4200/800-1450 SYSTEM (2001, NEW Pump,new barrel!) 420 ton)

Certified Dealer
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
Forklift barrel lifter Genkinger EGGS 04
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Poland Wrocław
1,432 km

Forklift barrel lifter
GenkingerEGGS 04

Hazardous materials storage for barrel DENIOS AG 2 P2 - F - VV
Hazardous materials storage for barrel DENIOS AG 2 P2 - F - VV
Hazardous materials storage for barrel DENIOS AG 2 P2 - F - VV
Hazardous materials storage for barrel DENIOS AG 2 P2 - F - VV
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Germany Dettelbach
1,104 km

Hazardous materials storage for barrel

Barrel stub 750 kg GSL KNOTT V62
Barrel stub 750 kg GSL KNOTT V62
Barrel stub 750 kg GSL KNOTT V62
Barrel stub 750 kg GSL KNOTT V62
Barrel stub 750 kg GSL KNOTT V62
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786 km

Barrel stub 750 kg

Certified Dealer
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
Barrel pump Lubricant pump Hilger & Kern P80
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Germany Borken
784 km

Barrel pump Lubricant pump
Hilger & KernP80

Stainless steel barrel
Stainless steel barrel
Stainless steel barrel
Stainless steel barrel
Stainless steel barrel
Stainless steel barrel
Stainless steel barrel
Stainless steel barrel
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Germany Delmenhorst
829 km

Stainless steel barrel

Plastification unit - screw-barrel unit DEMAG  Schnecken-Zylinder-Einheit in 70mm D.
Plastification unit - screw-barrel unit DEMAG  Schnecken-Zylinder-Einheit in 70mm D.
Plastification unit - screw-barrel unit DEMAG  Schnecken-Zylinder-Einheit in 70mm D.
Plastification unit - screw-barrel unit DEMAG  Schnecken-Zylinder-Einheit in 70mm D.
Plastification unit - screw-barrel unit DEMAG  Schnecken-Zylinder-Einheit in 70mm D.
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Germany Rinteln
895 km

Plastification unit - screw-barrel unit
DEMAG Schnecken-Zylinder-Einheit in 70mm D.

Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump Dürr MPDK X20
Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump Dürr MPDK X20
Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump Dürr MPDK X20
Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump Dürr MPDK X20
Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump Dürr MPDK X20
Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump Dürr MPDK X20
Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump Dürr MPDK X20
Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump Dürr MPDK X20
Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump Dürr MPDK X20
Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump Dürr MPDK X20
Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump Dürr MPDK X20
Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump Dürr MPDK X20
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Germany Dietfurt an der Altmühl
1,245 km

Pumps and dosing concept double barrel pump
DürrMPDK X20

Wooden barrel GARBELLOTTO  4000 Liter
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Switzerland Estavayer
1,189 km

Wooden barrel

Barrel tipper unbekannt Durchmesser 335 mm
Barrel tipper unbekannt Durchmesser 335 mm
Barrel tipper unbekannt Durchmesser 335 mm
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786 km

Barrel tipper
unbekanntDurchmesser 335 mm

Certified Dealer
(New!) Boy original Plastification unit  (Screw and barrel) , for Silicon , 32mm BOY Screw and barrel , for Silicon , 32mm
(New!) Boy original Plastification unit  (Screw and barrel) , for Silicon , 32mm BOY Screw and barrel , for Silicon , 32mm
(New!) Boy original Plastification unit  (Screw and barrel) , for Silicon , 32mm BOY Screw and barrel , for Silicon , 32mm
(New!) Boy original Plastification unit  (Screw and barrel) , for Silicon , 32mm BOY Screw and barrel , for Silicon , 32mm
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Slovakia Trenčín
1,626 km

(New!) Boy original Plastification unit (Screw and barrel) , for Silicon , 32mm
BOYScrew and barrel , for Silicon , 32mm

Certified Dealer

Trust Seal

Through Machineseeker certified dealers

Trust Seal
Screw and barrel for DEMAG ET 330 DEMAG ET 330
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Spain Heras
1,334 km

Screw and barrel for DEMAG ET 330

Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
Barrel press/ can press
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Estonia Lagedi
1,744 km

Barrel press/ can press

Certified Dealer
Injection moulding machine ENGEL 25 and 35 mm screw and barrel complete
Injection moulding machine ENGEL 25 and 35 mm screw and barrel complete
Injection moulding machine ENGEL 25 and 35 mm screw and barrel complete
Injection moulding machine ENGEL 25 and 35 mm screw and barrel complete
Injection moulding machine ENGEL 25 and 35 mm screw and barrel complete
Injection moulding machine ENGEL 25 and 35 mm screw and barrel complete
Injection moulding machine ENGEL 25 and 35 mm screw and barrel complete
Injection moulding machine ENGEL 25 and 35 mm screw and barrel complete
Injection moulding machine ENGEL 25 and 35 mm screw and barrel complete
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Hungary Budapest
1,784 km

Injection moulding machine
ENGEL25 and 35 mm screw and barrel complete

GRP barrel Chemo 750 Liter
GRP barrel Chemo 750 Liter
GRP barrel Chemo 750 Liter
GRP barrel Chemo 750 Liter
GRP barrel Chemo 750 Liter
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786 km

GRP barrel
Chemo750 Liter

Certified Dealer

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